Slide Show


10 Months as Mom

Alright,  I finally feel like I've had this "mom" thing down for awhile now. I'm used to protecting Harley the dog from a wild-child 10 month old who wants to pull on his ears and chew on his tail. I'm used to having to speed vacuum because I have a baby chasing and climbing on the vacuum (he loves when I vacuum- super easy entertainment). There's no more online shopping if Gavin's...

Summer 2015 Bucket List!

2015 Summertime Bucket List 1. Lots and lots of swimming (this has already been accomplished thanks to my parent's pool). 2. Backyard bonfires with one too many s'mores. 3. Lots of iced coffees & teas. 4. Take a mini fishing trip out on the lake (a getaway for Mom & Dad). 5. Date nights with my hubby. 6. Outdoor country music festivals!! 7. Take early morning walks (easy...

It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later Facebook...

It's not goodbye, it's see you later. That's how I currently feel about Facebook. Why do I feel this way? Here's why: As soon as I'm not doing anything, or anything of real importance, I take the time to mindlessly scroll through Facebook. When Gavin's napping, I'll scroll through Facebook. When I'm relaxing, it usually involves scrolling through Facebook. When I'm bored...

Baby Registry

What's more fun than being pregnant, going to Target, waddling around and scanning all of the adorable baby things you want!! The scanner alone is pretty fun, not to mention all of the crazy cute baby clothes, toys... You know what I'm talking about. You're also in crazy nesting mode, so it just doesn't get better than registering for your baby shower! It was exactly 1 year ago at this...

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