Slide Show


2 Months with 2 Kids

Well I've been a mom of 2 now for just over 2 months. (Gavin: 2-1/2 years old, Jax: 2 months old) Here's what I've learned: It's possible to wear sweatpants more in 2 months, than you have in the last 5 years combined. The 2 year old will throw a tantrum, shove a raisin up his nose, climb onto the kitchen counter top, sit on the dog, and do whatever else he knows he's not supposed to do, while...

Jaxon Cole - 2 Months!

a little late... but better than never! Stats: 24-1/4 inches, 12 pounds (and some odd ounces...I forgot exactly from his appointment!)  3 month clothes & jammies Sleep: We've had a couple nights that he has slept 8-1/2 hours!!! That's not the norm (yet, hopefully soon!!), he usually goes about 5-6 hours his first stretch, then has about a 3 hour stretch after that, and...

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