Mother's Day 2015

So yesterday was Mother's Day, and it was my first official Mother's Day! 
(I say official because last year I was pregnant, so I'm sure I still celebrated it, knowing me...)

It was a super great day, but then again, with an almost 9 month old baby, they don't understand this is a day to celebrate Mom, apparently for Gavin it was just another day to be a teething, sassy little guy! (this teething stuff sucks lately). 
It was a good reminder for me that you don't ever really get a 'break' from the realities of being Mom (crying babies, poopy diapers...etc.), not even on Mother's Day... at least not yet!  :)

Our day started at a chipper 5:45am. Not my ideal time to start the day....I was really hoping Gavin would sleep in until about 10am such luck.  
So needless to say, the day started like any another day.... Aaron gave Gavin his morning bottle, I pumped, and Harley made his way out of the bedroom and plopped himself right on the couch for some extra shut eye. Harley doesn't typically start his day until 8 or 9 am (lucky dog).

Aaron gave me my Mother's Day present, which I LOVE!!! It was something I saw while we were out shopping together about a month ago, and he remembered how much I liked it :)

Voila! The present!
LOVE the quote from the card Aaron gave me-
"motherhood is the journey of a lifetime". 
It most definitely is! And I'm only 9 months in!
We decided to go out for an early breakfast, early as in we were at the restaurant by 7am. We were most definitely the youngest people in there by a solid 30-40 years. Even in our old age, I don't think Aaron and I will be early risers...We both really enjoy our sleep.
After breakfast we made a quick run to our Menards store... PS, I swear, within this last month between all of our house projects we're working on, we have practically lived at Menards...or so it seems.

Poor G's nose...he scratched it with his sharp little fingernail a
couple days ago :( Also, poor little green toy, he got left on one
of the Menards shopping carts... or so we think?

"Mom I really don't want to take a picture, I'd much rather eat your
". Ahhhh, trying to take a nice picture with your baby...

We were headed home at about 8:30am....and Aaron and I both looked at each other and said "so....what do we do the rest of the day...?" HA! We literally had everything done that we wanted to do for the day, BEFORE 9am!!! 

Gavin took his morning nap, and so did Aaron and I.
(getting up at 5:45am kicked our butts).

After Gavin's nap, so begins the sass. 
Poor Gavin man, this last week he just hasn't been himself. We're pretty sure it's teething...I finally caved and bought him a raw baltic amber teething necklace. We got it only a couple days ago, so it hasn't been long...but I'm hoping it works & kicks in soon for him! 
(I definitely plan on doing a post about the amber necklace...once we've been using it for awhile!)

So literally the rest of the day was spent trying to stay busy, and keep Gavin happy and entertained. He definitely wasn't "horrible" but he definitely wasn't his normal happy, content self.
(figures he's that way for Mother's you anything when Father's Day rolls around he'll be happy as can be)    ;)

Gavin did make up for his sassiness by taking a 2 1/2 hour long afternoon nap!! Which of course, Aaron and I took advantage of by also taking naps! :) 
(I do have to say, getting to take 2 naps in ONE day, was a pretty sweet Mother's Day gift in itself)

So needless to say, at one point I may or may not have contemplated spending future Mother's Days somewhere away from home, where there are no children, only peace, quiet, and relaxation. Then I brought myself back to reality, and realized, who am I kidding? When I decided to start having kids, I pretty much signed away my "rights" to peace, quiet and relaxation. . .  and truthfully, I kind of wouldn't want it any other way :)

Happy Mother's Day to all other Mamas!!!

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